Marcus Fuchs siegt nach Transporterbrand
Auf dem Weg zum Weltcupspringen in Bordeaux (FRA) ist Willi Melligers(SUI) Pferdetransporter vollständig ausgebrannt. Die sechs geladenen Pferde, darunter drei von Marcus Fuchs, konnten gerade noch gerettet werden. Marcus Fuchs: “My three horses were travelling on Willi Mellliger´s lorry which due to an electrical fault caught fire at 5.30 on Thursday morning on the autoroute in France. Luckily we managed to get all six horses off the lorry unharmed before the lorry completely burned out. We managed to find a field where we turned the horses out for 6 hours before we could find alternative transport. This was not ideal as these horses are not used to being turned out and would never be turned out together with other horses for risk of injury."
But Marcus turned potential disaster into success by winning the opening World Cup qualifier with Granie, winning a speed class with Edza de St Denis and finishing third in the World Cup competition also with Granie. He was one of only four clears out 38 riders in the first round of the World Cup competition. Quelle: Team Sony Ericsson