Save Money on a Horse!!
Zu hohe Benzinpreise ? Kein Problem findet ein User in einem Internetforum - gefunden von Beate K.
Alright folks, step right up! You don't want to pay $4.69 for gas, no problem, I have the perfect vehicle for you. Needs no gas, no oil, or even a battery, just a little grass and water will do these animals fine. Now everyone has different needs, so choose from the following models:
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save money on a horse
1. Trail Horse- Your average run around town animal. Has the energy to get where you are going, the brain to find the best way to go, big enough to carry the normal sized American.
2. The Arabian- perfect for those who travel long distances in a day and try to multi task while driving. Although the Arabian may not go to your home or office with out specific instruction, it WILL go
3. The Draft- Calling all soccer moms. This big guy can carry the whole team, their gear and snacks. Just like the big machines, this guy will require more fuel, and his shoes will be more expensive than
the compact model.
4. The Western Pleasure- The right car for the high end white collar workers. This animal works harder and requires more special knowledge so only the best can figure this out. Be sure to take your cell
phone. You wont be stuck in traffic, you just wont be getting anywhere fast.
5. The Parrelli- Salesmen, stay at home moms, and high school kids will all enjoy this dream. You can load him down with flapping wal-mart bags, ask him to walk in places a horse wont fit, and you can
dance with him as you listen to the latest tunes.
6. The Ranch- The most dependable animal available. He will go where ever you ask him to, at what ever speed is appropriate. You can tie
him to the stop sign and he will be there when you get back. Best of all, this model has been specially engineered to be able to go without water for days and stay fat and slick by eating sagebrush and
dead prairie grass.
Of course all models are available in base colors (sorrel, bay, black) Special order colors are available (dun, gray, palomino) and for an additional fee, custom paint jobs are also available (overo,
tobiano, blanket, leopard).
No horse is sold with a warranty, however maintenance plans are available in the event brakes, steering, or accelerator fail.
And from Carolina Horses:
Dont forget the best of all, the endurance horse. This model up to a 1980, can get you where you want to be, weave in and out of the traffic, jump the
curbs, wont mind the trains crossing, will go thru the ditches not around them, and do it all paced, so you wont have to worry on burning fuel with jackrabbit starts, and sudden stops. They can carry two if you wish to carpool, however this will cut your arrival time down by a bit, making the journey a bit longer. You can stop on the way to work for the coffee,
enjoy it at a nice relaxing jog, then dash off, at breakneck speeds, get to work early, which of course means you can leave work early as well.
The dressage horse, although will look more stunning than all of the others getting you to work, is the jaguar of the rides, his speed is compromised by
his collective 6 cylinders running on only 3. He is much more expensive than the other models to keep and maintain, requires much more special handling, so should only be driven by the experienced, but when you DO finally arrive at work, you will have a fanfare and crowd there to meet you, so you can rent out at hertz or avis and earn double your daily
salary while you are at work. When you are ready to leave, he can tiptoe into the supermarket without a soul hearing you, and dance back out gingerly, to
elevator or 80s music, with just a bit more accelerator pressure.